Barasuara Taifun Tour 2016: Surabaya - Recap
I know that this is already too late. But just let me revisit all those fun memories karena sungguh aku rindu nge-gigs lagi :(
Barasuara ini bukan band baru sebenernya, considering the fact that they already together since 2011. Cuma baru boomingnya ya sekarang-sekarang ini aja, tepatnya akhir tahun lalu kayaknya. Atau aku aja yang telat, baru tau akhir tahun lalu hahaha. Awalnya, I thought that they just another indie band yang musiknya sama kaya Payung Teduh which is not my kind of music. Terus pas mereka pertama kali ke Surabaya ngisi acara fakultas tetangga, I miss the chance just like that haha. Karena belom coba dengerin juga sih. Not long after that, di timeline Path dan feed Instagram mulai banyak yang update soal band ini. Karena penasaran kok nge-hype banget sih emang lagunya seenak apa, jadilah browsing dan coba dengerin lagunya di Spotify. Saat itulah penyesalan datang yaampun kenapa ga dari dulu aja dengerinnya cobaaa hahaha. Sungguh aku dengerin satu album lagunya bikin eargasm semua, gak ada yang ga aku suka. Dan sekali dengerin jadi nagih banget maunya dengerin terus.
Lalu, ketika ada update kalo mereka bakal ngadain tour keliling Pulau Jawa and Surabaya is one of their stop, langsung lah beli tiketnya ga pake mikir. And I will never regret my decision to spend my money on their performance (well, padahal ga mahal-mahal amat sik tiketnya haha). It was my very first Barasuara concert, and it was beyond awesome! I couldn’t stop singing along during the concert, dari awal sampe akhir. I totally love the vibes, the energy, the music, and the freshly arranged songs
Selain itu, penonton Taifun Tour 2016 di Surabaya juga ga sebanyak dan serame kota-kota lainnya. I entered the venue like 15 minutes before the show started tapi masih dapet depan panggung pas dengan view mas Iga dong hahaha. I’m not sure why tapi kurasa mereka salah strategi menentukan tanggal konser. The concert was on May 6th, but they had another gig before on April 30th, and it was a free show. Ya mungkin orang-orang lebih milih dateng ke yang gratisan kali ya daripada yang berbayar haha. Tapi gapapalah lumayan gaperlu terlalu desek-desekan :p
All in all, they are sooo damn awesome. I love how they just as energetic as in other cities yang tiketnya sampe sold out. I love how they are so dedicated in this tour, like mba Puti yang design 6 baju yang beda buat tampil di 6 kota berbeda. And drum-duet Marco & Enrico oh my God these two brothers surely stole the audience’s attention! They also performed their new song which I fell in love at the first hear just like their other songs.
Sering-sering main ke Surabaya dong Barasuara. I would like to see your performance over and over again ;)
P.S. I didn’t even get to take a proper picture as I was too busy enjoying the concert haha.
P.S.S. After effect: I listen to their full album almost every day, when commuting from home to work and vice versa. And I haven’t felt bored to it. Yet. Haha.