Online Shopping Experience : Better World Books
So, sometime ago, precisely around June 2016, I tried to buy books in for the first time. agak deg-degan juga sebenernya karena belanja online dari website luar negeri kalo tinggal di Indonesia itu kayaknya banyakan minusnya daripada plusnya. Jadi, berbekal hati yang diyakin-yakinkan dan kartu kredit pinjeman, akhirnya order juga via websitenya.
what I ordered back then
Di email konfirmasinya, ditulis kalo estimated arrival date of the books is 10-20 working days. Tapi bisa lebih juga since I live in Indonesia so yeah you know what will happen if you ordered something from outside the country. dan bener aja kan, udah satu bulan lebih, bukunya nggak nyampe-nyampe. tiap hari pulang kantor, begitu masuk rumah langsung ngecek ada paketan apa engga. aku berpikir apa mungkin gara-gara kepotong libur lebaran jadi shippingnya molor. dan lagi, international shippingnya betterworldbooks nggak menyediakan tracking number so we really can't know what happen with our package.
After almost two months the books still haven't arrived and i decided to give up waiting for the book. I sent an email to Betterworldbooks saying that my books haven't arrived and they said that we have to assumed that my books were lost in the middle of shipping process /sobs/. Betterworldbooks decided to issue a full refund for my order since it's not delivered. fyi if you issue a complain after two months, your money will be lost and it cannot be refunded. so better fill a complain before it's reached two months.
One evening after I completely forgot about this, when I got back from work, I found a package on the table saying it's from betterworldbooks! the one I thought it lost on somewhere in this world finally found its way to me after exactly three months since I placed my order :')
the package
A day after the package arrived, I decided to email the customer service again to inform them that the package has just arrived. I asked them what should I do about the payment since it was already refunded. They always respond my email well and fast, and this is what I like about them. the customer service suggested me to do repayment for the order. so I did repay my books via PayPal.
So for fellow Indonesian book lovers out there, if you want a good, used book with a good deal, and you have patience to wait, try this bookstore. they do offer free shipping worldwide but you have to note that they don't provide tracking number for international shipping. so yeah you can't do anything but wait for your books to be delivered in front of your doorstep.